mercredi 23 mars 2016

Six months in the States!!!

Hi guys!
It's been already half a year since I came to New York; we don't see how time flies until we realize that only two months left before we go back to our country... I already had to say goodbye to a lot of friends who already went back to their countries, saying goodbye to people you've been with for a while is so hard, I think I will never get used to it. Now for me, going to the airport represents saying goodbye to another friend again, I recently hated going there.
Since I wrote last time, as always, I did and saw a lot of things, I want to enjoy everything as much as possible!
First, about school, I have been in Neil's class for about two months (January and February) but then I decided to take the TOEFL preparation class so I had to change my class. So now I'm in Shane's class again since three weeks but I think we will have to change again after the holidays.
Last month, people who were leaving in February/March had their EF graduation, we all went there to see them.
As I said last time, my friend Hiroki left more than a month ago now, we spent time together before, we went to the city, went to party in White Plains...and then went to the airport to say goodbye to him. He was the first of "my Japanese group" to leave so it was kind of sad.
Few days after Hiroki, we had to say goodbye to our classmate and friend Vera, after six months with us, she went back to China.
Our teacher Neil organized a carnival like a fundraiser to earn money for a children's hospital, we helped him to organize the event, we had to draw some posters and prepare some games.

On week after that, as you saw in my last article, my friend Anaïs from high school came in New York to visit me for a week!! We had a good time together and she could meet my friends from EF so I was happy. I'm not going to talk about that more in detail because there is an article and a video only about this week just before. 
By the way, during that time, I decided to try something different and I dyed my hair with Jessy's and Anaïs's help. First I had to bleach them and then I dyed them in green. I kept the color for a month but I just dyed them black again. 

After Anaïs left I wanted to enjoy time with Yusuke because he was leaving exactly one week after. We went to the city, did shopping in SoHo again and again, walked around Central Park, went to Top of the Rock to see the view (Yusuke went there when he arrived in NYC so he wanted to go again before he left), went to restaurants, went to party in White Plains (Jessy also came with us, it was our first party together!!)... We spent really good moments together, so that was even harder to say goodbye after that aha. 
Now, he left since three weeks already, I still feel weird to don't be here with him and Hiroki anymore, our group is getting smaller. Shoya is also leaving really soon so that's pretty sad but the only thing to do it's to enjoy and have fun until the end! We have this joke with Yuki, we say that him and Yasu will be "The last samurais" in EF because they are the last ones to leave.

Recently we are just hanging out with Shoya and Yuki, spending time together at school or in the city.  About two weeks ago, we had a crazy sneakers adventure, we woke up at 3h30 to go to the city and get really rare sneakers in a shop called KITH, we had to wait five hours under the snow and the cold but it worth it haha. 

Last weekend, we decided to visit another city together before Shoya leaves. We went to Philadelphia for a day with Yasu, Yuki and Shoya. Yasu planned our day trip. We woke up early to take the train to New York City and then take the bus to Philadelphia. We walked around the town, ate the famous "Philly cheese steak", went to see the statue of Rocky, visited Penn University and had dinner... We came back home pretty late so it was an exhausting day but we had a really good time! 

These days I just spend a lot of time with Shoya and Yuki, I just want to enjoy as much as possible with them. We went to party in White Plains, we went to a place I never went before in New York City, Chelsea Market and then walked around Highline. We randomly met Jennifer and her mom in Grand Central. Actually I didn't realize they were there, Yuki saw them, that shows how small is the world haha. 
Yesterday, I spent my last day with Shoya, we had a really nice time together. We went to Central Park with Yuki and him, walked around and took some nice pictures. He is leaving on Sunday but my mom is coming today so I won't be able to hang out with him anymore. Fortunately I will see him on Sunday to say goodbye. 

As I said before, today my mom is coming, she will stay with me until the end of vacation (April 3rd). We are going to Boston tomorrow until Sunday, then we will come back to NYC because I want to say goodbye to Shoya at the airport and then after that we will go to Toronto until Friday. At the end we will spend a few days in New York City.

See you soon,
xoxo, Margot!

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